Living On Purpose

This is a community for anyone who's interested in deepening a sense of identify and values, and building a life aligned with meaning and purpose. Join us for a multifaceted inner exploration - you're welcome to participate in whatever aspects, times and places work for you!

For Spring 2021, we'll be using Brene Brown's "Gifts of Imperfection" as a starting point this semester, focusing on one chapter/theme per month. I'll send out some reflection tools, including writing prompts, creative activities, and resources like videos and podcasts on the theme. Sign up anytime by emailing

Zoom gatherings will have a monthly rotation
- first week: Watch party - I'll share a video for us to watch and discuss as an intro to the theme
- second week: Snacktivitiies - I'll provide and lead an activity on the theme (and snacks if you decide to sign up for a LOP kit)
- third week: Book-club - discussion of the chapter and reflections
- fourth week: So what? - discussion of your reflections and where to go from here (next steps, resources, etc.)
When the campus is fully open, we also meet every Monday at 6pm for Spirited Suppers, sharing a home-cooked meal, playing games, and talking about life. We also plan different fun activities over the course of the semester.